Analytical Approaches

Task 1

1) Give a short description of each and an example if possible from a film of your choice:

Film: John Wick

Genre analysis:
John Wick is an Action, Crime, Thriller film. You would know it is a action, thriller film because of all the fighting and all the events that occur.

This film contains a lot of violence, bloody images, and strong language, the film is based in america. John Wick is an Ex assassin who left his job in order to be with his wife. His wife then dies of cancer, his wife then leaves him a dog when she dies so he is not lonely. A russian mafia's son decides to go and kill John Wicks dog which forces John Wick to hunt down the son.

Narrative analysis:
The narrative of the film is a series of events that take place. for example the film starts off with John Wick on the floor in front of a car with blood on his hands and it also shows that he has wounds.

Define reception study
Reception theory is a version of reader response literary theory that emphasises each particular reader's reception or interpretation in making meaning from a literary text. Reception theory is generally referred to as audience reception in the analysis of communications models.

Fan study: 
when people become overly obsessive over a particular thing.

3)Choose a film different from your examples above and analyse the content, narrative and genre. What a short paragraph covering all 3 areas.

Film: Doctor Strange

Genre analysis:
Doctor Strange is an action, adventure, fantasy film. you would know it is action and adventure based justly on the nature of the film, you would also know it is a fantasy film due to it having magic involved in it.

Content analysis: 
The film contains Violence, bloody images, moderate language & comedy. the film is based in New York, Hong Kong, United Kingdom & Nepal. It is about a man by the name Dr. Stephen Strange who is a neurosurgeon ends up in a car collision which results in him getting severe nerve damage. In his dying end to try and find a cure for his nerve damage he ends up seeing someone called the 'ancient one'. After his encounter with the 'Ancient one' he starts to learn the mystic arts of magic and also learns martial arts to go along with it.

Narrative analysis: 
The narrative of the film is the series of events that take place throughout the film. for example the film starts off with a liberian which is then killed and a book is stolen, the next event is a covered up person apprehends the thieves and fights them. later on we see Dr. Stephen Strange preparing for an operation.

Task 2

Film in Theory

Structuralism: A method of interpretation and analysis of the aspects of human cognition, behaviour, culture, and experience, which focuses on the relationship of the contract between elements in the conceptual system. The doctrine that structure is more important than function.

Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

Auteur theory: An auteur is an artist, such as a film director, who applies a highly centralised and subjective control to many aspects of a collaboration creative work; in other words, a person equivalent to an author of a novel or a play.

Feminism: This means the film is intended for women and to show a different view on women different to societal views.

Queer theory: Film studies in regards to gay/ lesbians.
